State Rep. Bryan Cutler | Pennsylvania 100th Legislative District
State Rep. Bryan Cutler | Pennsylvania 100th Legislative District
Rep. Bryan Cutler announced today that the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) has awarded grants to projects in the 100th District.
Christiana Borough will receive $800,000 for various roadway improvements, while Sadsbury Township will get $250,000 to complete a multi-use trail. "This funding will help both townships complete these important projects," said Cutler. "These projects will be crucial improvements to area infrastructure and will benefit those who live in Christiana and Sadsbury greatly. I also want to thank Sen. Scott Martin for his partnership in working to secure these grants."
The MTF funds can be used for developing, rehabilitating, and enhancing transportation assets in existing communities, including streetscapes, lighting, sidewalk enhancements, pedestrian safety measures, connectivity of transportation assets, and transit-oriented development.
For further information, contact Joe Szymanski at